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Potential Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on Long-Term Electricity Demand in the United States

Potential Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on Long-Term Electricity Demand in the United States

Full Title: Potential Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on Long-Term Electricity Demand in the United States
Author(s): A.J. Goulding, Mugew Kiragu, David Nour Berro
Publisher(s): Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA
Publication Date: October 26, 2020
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Description (excerpt):

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented changes in the ways people interact and approach economic activities. Electricity demand has declined and usage patterns have been altered, changes that could remain even after the pandemic ends. Failure to properly account for these declines in demand could lead to excess capacity in the electric power sector, added costs for consumers, and losses for investors.

This paper, from the power sector program at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, presents a methodology to quantify potential permanent reductions in demand triggered by the pandemic. The authors first identify how electricity demand changed in the United States following the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, or “Great Recession,” the last event to cause a major reduction in consumption. They then analyze the unique ways in which demand patterns may change over the next three to five years as a result of the coronavirus, followed by some illustrative calculations of the potential impact. Finally, the authors discuss the implications for policy makers with regard to electricity sector evolution.

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