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Prosperity at Home and Strengthened Allies Abroad – A Global Perspective on Natural Gas Exports

Prosperity at Home and Strengthened Allies Abroad – A Global Perspective on Natural Gas Exports

Full Title:  Prosperity at Home and Strengthened Allies Abroad – A Global Perspective on Natural Gas Exports
Author(s):  Energy and Commerce Committee, Majority Staff
Publisher(s): U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce
Publication Date: February 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


The rapid growth in American natural gas production offers a variety of opportunities, including the chance for America to become a natural gas exporting nation. Doing so would benefit the U.S. as well as our allies and trading partners, many of who have been vocal in their support of such exports.

The economic benefits of exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) outweigh the costs, according to a report conducted for the Department of Energy (DOE). This report found that America can produce more than enough natural gas to meet domestic demand affordably while also supporting export markets. The report further concluded that the net benefits of exports apply to consumers as well as the overall economy, and that these benefits increase along with the level of exports. Other studies have reached similar conclusions.

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