Full Title: Puerto Rico’s 2019 and 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventories Report
Author(s): Liz Stanton, Joshua R. Castigliego, Chirag T. Lala, Sachin Peddada, Jay Bonner, Eliandro Tavares, Sumera Patel, Alicia Zhang, Myisha Majumder, David Jiang, Jordan Burt, Ramón Bueno, and Kari Hewitt
Publisher(s): Applied Economics Clinic
Publication Date: July 2, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Puerto Rico’s 2019 Climate Change Mitigation, Adaption, and Resiliency Law mandates the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) to compile and publish an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions by type and source annually and requires that by 2025 island-wide greenhouse gas emissions be no more than 26.7 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalents or 50 percent of 2005 levels.