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Quitting Fossil Fuels and Reviving Rural America

Quitting Fossil Fuels and Reviving Rural America

Full Title: Quitting Fossil Fuels and Reviving Rural America
Author(s): Mark Haggerty, Nicole Gentile
Publisher(s): Center for American Progress
Publication Date: September 1, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Over the past decade, the changing U.S. energy mix—notably cheap natural gas—forced hundreds of coal-fired power plant closures and drove more than 50 U.S. coal mining and power companies into bankruptcy. Communities that rely heavily on coal revenue from mining to fund schools, roads, and other public services risk being left behind if they cannot maintain these essential services or find resources to invest in the infrastructure and assets central to success in a changing economy.

Coal communities across the country have struggled as companies have shuttered coal mines and power plants, laid off workers, and filed for bankruptcy.

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