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Realizing the Green Jobs Promise: The Benefits of a Regenerative Approach

Realizing the Green Jobs Promise: The Benefits of a Regenerative Approach

Full Title: Realizing the Green Jobs Promise: The Benefits of a Regenerative Approach
Author(s): Raul Alfaro-Pelico, Charlie Bloch, Nick Pesta, and Madeline Tyson
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: January 1, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

We must reframe the notion of green jobs within this broader context of economic risk, opportunity, and transformation. A more holistic framing centered on the concept of regenerative capitalism, in which achieving net-zero carbon emissions is but one step toward a long-term sustainable economy, can better position communities, companies, and workers globally to thrive as part of a more equitable and abundant future. This report looks beyond analytical findings of “more jobs” to begin charting the deeper work, analyses, and stories needed to inspire a leap from a job scarcity mentality toward one of purpose-inspired economic abundance. RMI proposes calling this shift the Great Regeneration.

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