Full Title: Relevant Additive Manufacturing Materials for Wind Industry
Author(s): Vidya Kishore, Tyler Smith, Pum Kim, Vlastimil Kunc, Christopher Hershey, Brian Post, Celeste Atkins, Amiee Jackson, Lonnie Love, Abby Barnes, Michael Borish, Halil Tekinalp, Alex Roschli, Phillip Chesser, David Snowberg, and Scott Carron
Publisher(s): U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Publication Date: October 1, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The purpose of this report is to equip wind industry professionals with the relevant material testing and properties of large format extrusion-based additive manufacturing processes. Discussion on the printability and processing of different classes of materials (i.e. low temperature, high temperature, thermoplastics, elastomeric, foam, etc.) is provided as well as relevant test standards and methods. Existing results for materials and properties are detailed. A companion document titled “Additive Manufacturing Design Guidelines for Wind Industry” covers the seven families of additive manufacturing, the relevance of each family to the wind industry, and design guidelines and considerations for the most relevant processes.