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Renewable Hydrogen in Oregon: Opportunities and Challenges

Renewable Hydrogen in Oregon: Opportunities and Challenges

Full Title: Renewable Hydrogen in Oregon: Opportunities and Challenges
Author(s): Rebecca Smith, Jessica Reichers, and Adam Schultz
Publisher(s): Oregon Department of Energy
Publication Date: November 15, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

There is unprecedented interest in hydrogen today for its potential to address climate change. This report presents the findings of the Oregon Department of Energy’s study on renewable hydrogen – what it is, how it’s made, what it might cost, and where it might best fit within the vision for a decarbonized economy in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest.

This study finds that the likeliest end uses for renewable hydrogen in Oregon by 2030 will be, in relative order of value, as a substitute for fossil hydrogen, to create high-temperature heat for industry, medium- and heavy-duty transportation, production of chemicals (including fertilizer), energy storage, back-up power, electricity generation, and blending into the natural gas pipeline.

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