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Rooftop Coverage Alternatives: Assessing Benefits for Grove Hall

Rooftop Coverage Alternatives: Assessing Benefits for Grove Hall

Full Title: Rooftop Coverage Alternatives: Assessing Benefits for Grove Hall
Author(s): Elisabeth Seliga, Sumera Patel, and Joshua R. Castigliego
Publisher(s): Applied Economics Clinic
Publication Date: January 9, 2025
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

On behalf of Greater Grove Hall Main Streets (GGHMS), Assistant Researcher Elisabeth Seliga, Assistant Researcher Sumera Patel, and Senior Researcher Joshua R. Castigliego prepared an issue brief examining a set of rooftop coverage alternatives (i.e., solar photovoltaic (PV), green, white, blue, and brown roofs) aimed at addressing the unique energy and environmental challenges faced by Boston’s Grove Hall community, highlighting the potential for a systems approach encompassing each rooftop coverage alternative to enhance energy efficiency and alleviate energy burden in a region characterized by urban heat island effects and a high share of environmental justice (EJ) populations. The issue brief provides actional recommendations for GGHMS to implement a combination of rooftop coverage alternatives to mitigate energy and environmental disparities, promote environmental resilience, and foster a healthier urban environment in Grove Hall.

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