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Simulator to Quantify and Manage Electric Vehicle Load Impacts on Low-voltage Distribution Grids

Simulator to Quantify and Manage Electric Vehicle Load Impacts on Low-voltage Distribution Grids

Full Title: Simulator to Quantify and Manage Electric Vehicle Load Impacts on Low-voltage Distribution Grids
Author(s): Lulu Xue, Junrong Xia
Publisher(s): World Resources Institute
Publication Date: January 10, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This technical notes details the methodology behind the Electric Vehicles on the Grid Simulator. This tool is intended to help individual building energy managers, facility owners, distribution service operators, charging point operators, and fleet operators. This model-based simulator enables users to evaluate the potential electric vehicle load impacts on the low-voltage distribution grid at specific sites and plan for future capacity upgrades. Additionally, the tool can be used to quantify the effects of different vehicle-grid integration technologies to alleviate the peak capacity stress.

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