Full Title: Solar in the Southeast 2018 Annual Report
Author(s): Jennifer Rennicks
Publisher(s): Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Publication Date: April 1, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Solar in the Southeast illuminates the critical role of utilities in the growing southeastern solar market. Southeastern states, particularly Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, grant monopoly utilities, rather than a competitive marketplace, the responsibility and control over power supplies. Consequently, the location of a home or business is the primary determinant not only of which utility will supply the electricity, but also the amount of solar within that portfolio.
To provide an equitable, unbiased comparison of various-sized utilities throughout the Southeast, SACE has ranked utilities on the basis of watts per customer (W/C) of solar power sourced to the customer. SACE has also calculated and forecast total installed capacity of solar power (in megawatts, MW) particularly for state comparisons.