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Solar on Superstores: Big Roofs, Big Potential for Renewable Energy

Solar on Superstores: Big Roofs, Big Potential for Renewable Energy

Full Title: Solar on Superstores: Big Roofs, Big Potential for Renewable Energy
Author(s): Bryn Huxley-Reicher, Wade Wilson, Ben Sonnega
Publisher(s): Environment America, Frontier Group
Publication Date: January 20, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Big retailers have a big impact on the environment. From the manufacturing and transportation of the goods they sell to the energy used to power warehouses, offices and stores, a significant share of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and pollution can be traced back to the globe-spanning supply chains that bring everything from dish soap to diapers onto the shelves of our local shopping centers.

This report reviews the immense potential to generate clean solar power on the rooftops of big box retail stores across America. To meet their climate goals and to show leadership in their communities, it is time for major retailers to take concrete steps to go solar.

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