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South Carolina Energy Efficiency Roadmap

South Carolina Energy Efficiency Roadmap

Full Title: South Carolina Energy Efficiency Roadmap
Author(s): Jennifer Weiss
Publisher(s): Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University
Publication Date: January 12, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Energy efficiency (EE) is widely considered a least-cost option for meeting energy demand while reducing energy costs and carbon emissions. While EE has experienced slow and steady growth in South Carolina, much more can be done to maximize the full potential of this least cost resource. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) estimates that South Carolina has 16,902 GWh of cost-effective electric energy efficiency economic potential by 2035. To explore this opportunity, leading EE and energy experts—including academic experts, consumer advocates, environmental nonprofits, commercial entities, state agencies, and utilities—participated in a series of meetings to determine where and how to deploy EE at a significantly greater rate. This report makes recommendations for increased and effective EE deployment in South Carolina.

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