Full Title: The 2023 Global Energy Agenda
Author(s): Landon Derentz, Christine Suh, Ameya Hadap, and Paul Kielstra
Publisher(s): Atlantic Council Global Energy Center
Publication Date: January 13, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The Atlantic Council conducted its third annual survey for its 2023 Global Energy Agenda. The survey was conducted from October 14 to November 23, a window that overlapped with the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, widely known as COP27. This report distills the survey responses, drawing on the insights of energy stakeholders from
more than fifty countries, and representing a variety of fields associated with the sector. An appendix provides additional demographic details. As with last year’s survey, the 2023 Global Energy Agenda continues a tradition of employing various questions and insights from prior years’ results and analyses to help hone key findings.