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The Changing Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy: A Look at the United States, Russia, and China

The Changing Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy: A Look at the United States, Russia, and China

Full Title: The Changing Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy: A Look at the United States, Russia, and China
Author(s): Jane Nakano
Publisher(s): Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Publication Date: March 12, 2020
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Description (excerpt):

The nuclear industry of advanced industrialized countries is under significant pressure to remain competitive as the market landscape for new nuclear power opportunities changes. The relative decline of U.S. nuclear export competitiveness comes at a time when Russia is boosting its dominance in new nuclear sales, and China is doubling down on its effort to become a leader in global nuclear commerce. This report illuminates how the changing market competition among the United States, Russia, and China will affect their future relations with nuclear commerce recipient countries, and discusses why Russia and China promote nuclear commerce, as well as which factors may alter their market competitiveness. The report further provides recommendations regarding the U.S. approach to continued commercial competitiveness in nuclear energy.

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