Full Title: The Clean Fuel Standards Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating CFS Programs across North America
Author(s): 3Degrees
Publisher(s): 3Degrees
Publication Date: July 1, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Clean fuel standard (CFS) programs are a crucial piece of the journey toward a decarbonized transportation future. These initiatives aim to reduce emissions, promote zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), and support the necessary infrastructure for a low-carbon transportation sector. They do so by increasing the demand for low carbon fuels, ramping up the production of low carbon fuels, and eliminating any premium for low-carbon fuels.
In this guide, the authors explore the vital role clean fuel programs play in lowering global emissions and paving the way for a cleaner transportation system. They’ll cover how these programs work, their significance, and how you can make the most of the opportunities they offer.
Whether you’re already on the path to cleaner fuels or just starting to consider your options, this guide aims to provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to take decisive action.