Full Title: The Cleantech Revolution: It’s Exponential, Disruptive, and Now
Author(s): Kingsmill Bond, Sam ButlerSloss, and Daan Walter
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: June 24, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
There are two main perspectives on the energy transition: the old incumbent view of business-as-usual; and the new insurgent view of exponential change. At heart this is the longstanding battle of commodities versus technologies. Design and technologies beat commodities because they enjoy learning curves and are limitless. So costs fall over time, and growth is exponential. New energy comes from manufactured, modular, scalable, clean technologies; old
energy is from centralized, heavy, dirty commodities. Old energy forecasting has failed in the face of the new energy reality. Linear forecasts constrained by barriers to growth have consistently been overwhelmed by exponential change. There are three key levers in the energy transition: Renewables; Electrification; and Efficiency.