Full Title: The NEA Small Modular Reactor Dashboard: Volume II
Author(s): Diane Cameron, Emma Wong, Lucas Mir, Brent Wilhelm, Takuya Funahashi, Shahnaz Hoque, Antonio Vaya Soler, and Yereen Kim
Publisher(s): Nuclear Energy Agency
Publication Date: July 20, 2023
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Description (excerpt):
All low-carbon solutions will be required to achieve the world’s net zero targets. Nuclear energy has a role to play in meeting this need. A wave of innovation in small modular reactors (SMRs) is advancing quickly with the potential to help decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors. Progress is real and is positioned to accelerate pathways to net zero. SMRs could replace coal on-grid, fossil fuel cogeneration of heat and power for heavy industry, diesel at off-grid mines, as well as producing hydrogen and synthetic fuels.
Looking beyond technical feasibility, The NEA Small Modular Reactor Dashboard defines new criteria for assessing real progress in six additional dimensions of readiness: licensing, siting, financing, supply chain, engagement, and fuel. The first volume of The NEA Small Modular Reactor Dashboard assessed the progress of 21 SMRs. This second volume tracks the progress of an additional 21 SMRs around the world.