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The Potential for Clean Hydrogen in the Carolinas

The Potential for Clean Hydrogen in the Carolinas

Full Title: The Potential for Clean Hydrogen in the Carolinas
Author(s): Stephen Comello, Jennifer DiStefano, Alex Kizer, Nick Britton
Publisher(s): Energy Futures Initiative
Publication Date: January 7, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In October 2021, the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) convened a public workshop and private roundtable to explore the concept of a clean hydrogen hub as a decarbonization pathway and driver of economic growth for North Carolina and South Carolina. The workshops, part of a series to develop a comprehensive analysis of policy opportunities for further hydrogen development in the United States, demonstrate that hydrogen holds promise to develop a future clean energy economy in the Carolinas. This report, The Potential for Clean Hydrogen in the Carolinas, outlines key takeaways from these workshops.

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