Full Title: The Role of Bio-LNG in the Decarbonization of Shipping
Author(s): Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development Centre of Excellence at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Publisher(s): SEA-LNG
Publication Date: October 5, 2022
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Description (excerpt):
Investment in the LNG pathway is growing. Bio-LNG represents the next phase of the LNG pathway, enabling shipping to meet the 2030 and 2050 GHG emissions reductions targets mandated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This report aims to answer questions around fuel availability, cost, lifecycle emissions and logistics and provide an overview of the applicability of bioLNG as marine fuel. It also explores whether LNG and bio-LNG can provide a realistic pathway for the shipping industry to achieve GHG emission reduction targets in a sustainable manner.
The decarbonisation of shipping will require the use of multiple low and zero carbon fuels. Every fuel has its own individual, but similar, pathway to net zero. When assessing decarbonisation options for the maritime sector it is essential that each pathway is evaluated, not simply the destination. It is crucial that decision making is guided by accurate information that assesses each alternative fuel pathway on a like-for-like and full life-cycle basis (Well-to-Wake). The viability of the LNG pathway depends on the volumes of bio-LNG and renewable synthetic LNG (or e-LNG) that become available to the shipping industry, and the cost of these fuels in comparison to other zero or low carbon fuels. The findings from this study provide reliable, independent insight on both availability and cost.