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Towards Equitable and Transformative Investments in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Towards Equitable and Transformative Investments in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Full Title: Towards Equitable and Transformative Investments in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Author(s): Matthew Goetz, Ryan Levandowski, James Bradbury, Grace Van Horn
Publisher(s): M.J. Bradley & Associates, Georgetown Climate Center
Publication Date: March 18, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report provides a summary of the EV charging investments included in recent congressional bills on climate, clean energy, and transportation, and outlines ways federal investments could be designed to be more equitable and transformative. Georgetown Climate Center and M.J. Bradley & Associates provide lessons and examples from previous federal programs, and describe examples of state and local transportation, clean energy, and climate policies that federal policymakers can learn from and build upon.

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