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Towards Hydrogen Definitions Based on Their Emissions Intensity

Towards Hydrogen Definitions Based on Their Emissions Intensity

Full Title: Towards Hydrogen Definitions Based on Their Emissions Intensity
Author(s): Simon Bennett, Stavroula Evangelopoulou, Mathilde Fajardy, Carl Greenfield, Francesco Pavan and Amalia Pizarro Alonso
Publisher(s): International Energy Agency
Publication Date: April 20, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This report assesses the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of the different hydrogen production routes and reviews ways to use the emissions intensity of hydrogen production in the development of regulation and certification schemes. An internationally agreed emissions accounting framework is a way to move away from the use of terminologies based on colours or other terms that have proved impractical for the contracts that underpin investment. The adoption of such a framework can bring much-needed transparency, as well as facilitating interoperability and limiting market fragmentation, thus becoming a useful enabler of investments for the development of international hydrogen supply chains.

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