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U.S. Community Solar & Storage Market Part 1: Community Solar Program Design

U.S. Community Solar & Storage Market Part 1: Community Solar Program Design

Full Title: U.S. Community Solar & Storage Market Part 1: Community Solar Program Design
Author(s): DNV
Publisher(s): DNV
Publication Date: May 28, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In this four-part series by DNV, we will evaluate the competitive energy marketplace for the community solar and storage market segment. This includes the typical business model, the rapid rise of the market segment in the U.S. and illumination of the states where it is projected to grow in the coming decade. Community solar and storage is a growing market segment with established market players that is gaining an increasing amount of attention due to the number of new entrants realizing its value every year. The non-traditional business model of community solar and storage is being cultivated by federal agencies and research institutions, member organizations, state and local government, and private industry as it is seen as a valuable path towards lowering the barriers of entry to affordable solar energy for 50 million low-to-moderate income (LMI) U.S. households . Finally, we will conclude this series with an assessment of the potential market and emerging value streams for shared solar and storage projects, along with DNV’s independent viewpoint of the opportunity and risk associated with competing in this market segment.

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