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Utility-Based Renewable Electricity Supply Options

Utility-Based Renewable Electricity Supply Options

Full Title: Utility-Based Renewable Electricity Supply Options
Author(s): Better Buildings
Publisher(s): Better Buildings
Publication Date: May 23, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In regulated retail electricity markets, electricity consumers are required to buy electricity from their local utility company. Utilities in these markets have developed various green power initiatives that allow their customers to still utilize and invest in clean energy resources like wind and solar. Utility green power and utility green tariff programs offer customers, known as “offtakers,” a structured and convenient way to purchase renewable energy, providing supply and price stability while supporting clean energy in the overall electricity market. Consumers work with their local utility or renewable energy provider to discuss goals, energy needs, available options, and the procurement process. Similar products known as competitive green power products are also offered in deregulated retail markets where customers can purchase energy directly from suppliers. Figure 1 shows an example utility green
power offering. This document provides a more detailed explanation of green tariffs and other utility-based green power programs.

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