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Utility Front Groups Spending on Disinformation Advertising

Utility Front Groups Spending on Disinformation Advertising

Full Title: Utility Front Groups Spending on Disinformation Advertising
Author(s): Keriann Conroy
Publisher(s): Energy and Policy Institute
Publication Date: September 23, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
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The Energy and Policy Institute launched a new tracking tool that exposes up to $2.4 million in spending on advertising by 14 utility front groups in the last year. 

Utilities stall and limit climate action by establishing, controlling and funding front groups to spread climate misinformation through advertising on social media.

Utility front groups have spent thousands of dollars on disinformation advertising that target people of color and historically marginalized groups, mislead the public on the impacts of gas bans, highlight false concerns regarding the reliability of renewable energy, and promote “renewable natural gas” and hydrogen, despite multiple studies showing these fuels are not viable substitutes for building electrification. 

Utility front groups advertise for preferred candidates in elections, including Seniors Across America promoting Governor Ron DeSantis, followed by a slew of anti-solar advertisements costing up to $60,000. 

Federal commissions, legislators, and utility regulators can take action to improve the transparency of utility advertising and limit the spread of disinformation. 

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