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Virtual Power Plants: Use Cases, Operational Models and the Evolving Market

Virtual Power Plants: Use Cases, Operational Models and the Evolving Market

Full Title: Virtual Power Plants: Use Cases, Operational Models and the Evolving Market
Author(s): studioID
Publisher(s): Virtual Peaker
Publication Date: April 10, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The technology behind Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) is not new to utilities. However, they’re maturing to an inflection point where technology, regulations, and market conditions will drive rapid growth over the next five to 10 years. In fact, VPPs can potentially offset or provide 14% of U.S. peak electric power demand in 2050, according to a recent report. However, the report also states that barriers related to wholesale market value, retail offerings and consumer awareness “must be addressed to unlock the full potential of VPPs.”

This playbook examines use cases and operating models for VPPs, highlighting industry and market changes relevant to their evolution in the utility industry.

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