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Wells Fargo Housing Affordability and Climate Change Dialogues: Multifamily Workshops Summary Report

Wells Fargo Housing Affordability and Climate Change Dialogues: Multifamily Workshops Summary Report

Full Title: Wells Fargo Housing Affordability and Climate Change Dialogues: Multifamily Workshops Summary Report
Author(s): Ellie White, Mark Kresowik, Rick Hollander, Liam Keyek
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), Wells Fargo
Publication Date: June 16, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

New and existing financing tools must play a crucial role in addressing barriers to achieving energy efficiency and emissions reductions in the US multifamily housing sector. Yet, current market challenges have inhibited the adoption of low-carbon technologies across the sector. To identify and address current market pain points, RMI and Wells Fargo convened key industry experts, including leading developers, lenders, policy influencers, technical experts, and housing finance agencies, to engage in two interactive workshops on addressing existing market challenges inhibiting the advancement of low-carbon affordable multifamily housing.

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