Full Title: What Do National Hydrogen Strategies Tell Us About Potential Future Trade?
Author(s): Anne-Sophie Corbeau and Rio Pramudita Kaswiyanto
Publisher(s): Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University SIPA
Publication Date: May 2, 2024
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Description (excerpt):
As of April 2024, 58 national hydrogen strategies and roadmaps have been published, while many other countries have mentioned targets. A few strategies (Germany, France, Japan) have already been updated. Most strategies position their country in terms of future trade, including whether the nation is seeking importer or exporter status, the trade medium (whether the product imported or exported will be in the form of hydrogen or a hydrogen derivative), and the value, ranking, or economic benefits the nations expect to achieve. This piece is a comparative analysis of the strategies published, focused on these trade-related aspects. It utilizes CGEP’s National Hydrogen Strategies and Roadmap Tracker, which gathers official documents published by governments.