Full Title: WHIMBY (What’s Happening in My Backyard?): A Community Risk-Benefit Matrix of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Author(s): Alan J. Krupnick, Isabel Echarte, Laura Zachary, and Daniel Raimi
Publisher(s): Resources For the Future
Publication Date: June 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
The Community Risk-Benefit Matrix illustrates and summarizes our findings characterizing the state of the literature on the community impacts of unconventional oil and gas development based on extensive literature reviews in areas of concern—local public finances, 1 education, 2 health, 3 seismicity, 4 economic impacts, 5 and housing6—as well as a number of RFF research projects.7 First, the matrix identifies areas of concern in the table headings. The impacts covered in these tables, the leftmost column, were driven by what we found in published literature reviews and/or in RFF research. Some impacts, such as crime, air quality, and groundwater quality are not included in the matrix because we did not conduct a literature review or original research on that impact. Second, the matrix indicates the quality of the literature regarding these impacts, with green indicating a higher-quality literature, blue indication a medium-quality literature, and orange indicating a relatively poor quality literature. Impacts not studied in the literature reviews that were addressed by other RFF
research are marked gray, indicating that the impact was not reviewed.