Full Title: Report: How Local Ownership of Clean Energy Boosts Benefits, Busts Barriers, and Builds Power
Author(s): Katie Kienbaum, John Farrell, and Matthew Grimley
Publisher(s): Institute for Local Self-Reliance
Publication Date: June 14, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
ILSR’s new report, Advantage Local: Why Local Energy Ownership Matters, finds that local ownership of clean energy can address many of the most pressing challenges faced today, from the climate crisis to economic inequality to corporate exploitation. The report details how local clean energy ownership — as distinct from local siting — can boost the economic impacts of clean energy, cut through public opposition to project development, and put power back in the hands of people instead of polluting utility monopolies.
As shown in the report, local ownership of clean energy, such as rooftop solar panels and shared solar gardens, offers numerous benefits to individual clean energy owners and their communities.