Full Title: Wichita Falls Urban Transportation Study 2010-2011 Regional Household Activity/Travel Survey
Author(s): ETC Institute
Publisher(s): ETC Institute
Publication Date: December 14, 2011
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Description (excerpt):
The Household/Activity Travel Survey for the Wichita Falls area consisted of households in Wichita County. The primary objective for the survey was to gather accurate travel and activity data from residents living in the region. The results of the survey will be used to update regional travel demand models. A wide range of data was gathered, including:
– trip production rates by trip purpose
– trip distribution by time of day
– trip length frequency distribution
– modal share of travel
– auto occupancies
– vehicle operating speeds
The survey for the Wichita Falls Urban Transportation Study (WFUTS) consisted of households in the Wichita Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) study area. This report describes the sampling methodology that was used for the Wichita Falls MPO study area and includes data in the trip table and appendices for respondents from the Wichita Falls MPO study area only.