Full Title: Wind Energy: Supply Chain Deep Dive Assessment
Author(s): Ruth Baranowski, Aubryn Cooperman, Patrick Gilman, and Eric Lantz
Publisher(s): US Department of Energy
Publication Date: February 24, 2022
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Description (excerpt):
To inform the DOE team’s supply chain review, researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducted research and analyses that characterize supply chain strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the wind industry, including both land-based and offshore wind.The team also conducted interviews with industry stakeholders and subject matter experts. This report documents these findings and provides a foundation for addressing the observed vulnerabilities and enhancing U.S. wind supply chain competitiveness.
Research into the U.S. wind supply chain reveals several vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities manifest differently for offshore and land-based wind given their current domestic supply chain status(i.e., absent or nascent for offshore wind, significant and mature for land-based wind), but several common themes emerge.