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Windy Waters: Unlocking the Potential of U.S. Offshore Wind

Windy Waters: Unlocking the Potential of U.S. Offshore Wind

Full Title: Windy Waters: Unlocking the Potential of U.S. Offshore Wind
Author(s): Lesley Jantarasami, Rachel Smith, Lindsay Steves, Julie Anderson, Marika Tatsutani
Publisher(s): Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)
Publication Date: July 6, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This issue brief provides some basic context for a bold national effort to develop America’s considerable offshore wind resources, including information about the unique characteristics of offshore wind, its potential contribution to achieving the net-zero goal, and related economic benefits. The brief identifies key challenges and barriers to offshore wind development, with particular attention to siting and permitting hurdles, and concludes with a set of policy recommendations. BPC is aware that other groups, such as the Energy Labor Partnership and Americans for a Clean Energy Grid, as well as business organizations, including the American Clean Power Association and the Business Network for Offshore Wind, are focusing on other critical aspects of the offshore wind opportunity, such as financing and manufacturing/supply-chain issues. Our recommendations are intended to complement these efforts.

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