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You and CO2: a Public Engagement Study to Engage Secondary School Students with the Issue of Climate Change

You and CO2: a Public Engagement Study to Engage Secondary School Students with the Issue of Climate Change

Full Title: You and CO2: a Public Engagement Study to Engage Secondary School Students with the Issue of Climate Change
Author(s): Jennifer A. Rudd & Ruth Horry & R. Lyle Skains
Publisher(s): Journal of Science Education and Technology
Publication Date: December 21, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

School students are growing up in a world with a rapidly changing climate, the effects of which will become increasingly apparent during their lifetimes. We designed and pilot tested “You and CO2”, a STEAM program designed to encourage students to reflect on their personal impact on the environment, while also appreciating their place within society to bring about positive societal change. Over three interlinked workshops, students analyzed the carbon footprints of some everyday activities, which they then explored in more detail through interacting with a bespoke piece of digital fiction, No World 4 Tomorrow. The program culminated with students producing their own digital fictions, allowing them the freedom to explore the themes from the previous workshops with a setting and focus of their choice. We reflect here on the experience of running the You and CO2 program and on the themes that emerged from the students’ original digital fictions.

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