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Zero, Then Negative: The Congressional Blueprint for Scaling Carbon Removal

Zero, Then Negative: The Congressional Blueprint for Scaling Carbon Removal

Full Title: Zero, Then Negative: The Congressional Blueprint for Scaling Carbon Removal
Author(s): Giana Amador, Erin Burns, Maya Glicksman, Courtni Holness, Rory P. Jacobson, Ugbaad Kosar, Chris Neidl, Lucia D. Simonelli,Tim Steeves, Vanessa Suarez, Meron Tesfaye
Publisher(s): Carbon180
Publication Date: May 13, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Building on recent momentum, US Congress has a rare window of opportunity to catalyze the next wave of transformation for carbon removal solutions. Key federal actions taken over the next one to three years, including increased RD&D funding and deployment incentives, new infrastructure, and equitable and actionable regulations, will be essential to overcoming barriers to achieving full scale and realizing the field’s climate, social, and economic potential.

This report outlines the key actions Congress should take over the next one to three years to rapidly develop and deploy carbon removal. The recommendations in this report focus on how we can realize carbon removal’s full potential as a critical climate solution and also deliver on its environmental, economic, and social co-benefits. With the tools at its disposal — RD&D, deployment incentives, infrastructure, and regulations — the federal government is poised to reinvent the US economy, drive forward a new industry, and put our climate and communities first.

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