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Review and Evaluation of Studies on the Use of E15 in Light-Duty Vehicles

Review and Evaluation of Studies on the Use of E15 in Light-Duty Vehicles

Full Title:  Review and Evaluation of Studies on the Use of E15 in Light-Duty Vehicles
Author(s):  Robert L. McCormick,a Janet Yanowitz,b Matthew Ratcliff,a Bradley T. Ziglera
Publisher(s):  National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: October 1, 2013
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


The objective of this study is to review and evaluate research conducted to date applicable to the effects of E15 on Model Year 2001 and newer cars, and to draw objective conclusions based on the entire available dataset. The project team reviewed 43 studies relevant to E15 usage in 2001 and newer model year on-highway automobiles. These included 33 unique research studies, as well as 10 related reviews, studies of methodology, or duplicate presentations of the same research data. The study does not address engines that EPA has not approved for use with E15, such as pre-2001 cars, marine, snowmobile, motorcycle, and small non-road engines. In the main section we critically review these studies in terms of the methodology, controls, and test fluids employed, and draw overarching conclusions based on the totality of the data, where possible. The appendix includes short, factual reviews of each study in the areas of material compatibility, engine and fuel system durability, exhaust emissions, catalyst durability, effect on on-board diagnostics, and evaporative emissions.


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