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Scheduling Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Tasks in Smart Grid with Renewable Energy

Scheduling Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Tasks in Smart Grid with Renewable Energy

Full Title: Scheduling Heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Tasks in Smart Grid with Renewable Energy
Author(s): Shengbo Chen, Prasun Sinha and Ness B. Shroff
Publisher(s): The Ohio State University
Publication Date: January 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

The smart grid is the new generation of electricity  grid that can efficiently facilitate new distributed sources of  energy (e.g., harvested renewable energy), and allow for dynamic  electricity price. In this paper, we investigate the cost minimization problem for an end-user, such as a home, community, or a  business, which is equipped with renewable energy devices when  electrical appliances allow different levels of delay tolerance. The  varying price of electricity presents an opportunity to reduce the  electricity bill from an end-user’s point of view by leveraging the  flexibility to schedule operations of various appliances and HVAC  systems. We assume that the end user has an energy storage  battery as well as an energy harvesting device so that harvested  renewable energy can be stored and later used when the price  is high. The energy storage battery can also draw energy from  the external grid. The problem we formulate here is to minimize  the cost of the energy from the external grid while usage of  appliances are subject to individual delay constraints and a long-term average delay constraint. The resulting algorithm requires  some future information regarding electricity prices, but achieves  provable performance without requiring future knowledge of  either the power demands or the task arrival process.

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