Search Results for social-cost-of-carbon
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The Magical Powers of the Social Cost of Carbon

Author(s): Dr. Benjamin Zycher
Visiting Scholar
American Enterprise Institute
Date: November 21, 2016 at 10:30 AM

When last we joined hands around the campfire, roasting s’mores and singing songs of camaraderie, we told tales of one particular monster of the dark, to wit, the Obama administration analysis of the social cost of carbon, perhaps the most dishonest exercise in political arithmetic ever produced by the federal bureaucracy. But this is the Beltway: No perfidy goes unrewarded. And so it is with the SCC, now tailor-made for the justification of rules utterly preposterous. Consider for example the Environmental Protection Agency efficiency rule for medium- and heavy trucks, part of the administration’s climate action plan; EPA has… [more]

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