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Sustainable Consumption, Energy Policy, and Individual Well-Being

Sustainable Consumption, Energy Policy, and Individual Well-Being

Full Title:  Sustainable Consumption, Energy Policy, and Individual Well-Being
Author(s):  Daniel A. Farber
Publisher(s):  Vanderbilt Law Review
Publication Date: December 1, 2012
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Description (excerpt):

The United States is an exceptional place in many ways, not least in its consumption. The United States consumes a disproportionate share of the world’s energy and resources, with a correspondingly large environmental footprint. At present, although we have been successful in creating economic wealth, well-being has lagged behind. Could the United States shift to a more sustainable path? Would that require an unacceptable sacrifice of social welfare? This Article argues that a shift really is possible, and that many of the steps to sustainability would actually make people better off even apart from their environmental benefits.

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