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The California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act of 2015: Impacts on Mining and the Regional Economy

The California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act of 2015: Impacts on Mining and the Regional Economy

Full Title: The California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act of 2015: Impacts on Mining and the Regional Economy
Author(s): The Sonoran Institute
Publisher(s): The Sonoran Institute
Publication Date: October 1, 2015
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The California Desert region covers approximately 20 million acres of southeastern California. The desert’s wildness and remoteness are among its biggest assets, offering significant recreational opportunities, including camping, hiking, rock climbing, hunting, horseback riding, exploring historical sites, and wildlife watching. These activities contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to local communities and the regional economy. The desert’s natural splendor has also spurred development. The military makes use of the desert’s vast undeveloped terrain to test new equipment and train combat forces.

The California Desert Conservation and Recreation Act, introduced in 2015 by Senator Feinstein, builds on a 6-year legislative effort to protect spectacular desert lands and provide for recreation. This effort has included significant outreach and community input, and has garnered impressive support throughout the California Desert.

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