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The Nimble Utility: Creating the Next Generation Workforce

The Nimble Utility: Creating the Next Generation Workforce

Full Title: The Nimble Utility: Creating the Next Generation Workforce
Publisher(s): PA Consulting
Publication Date: October 1, 2016
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In the past, a utility’s success was predicated on its ability to maintain its fair share of the “pie” with hopes that it would continue to grow. Now, however, the pie is not only growing; it is completely changing. Disruptive technologies and other transformative developments mean that growth opportunities are quickly emerging in every area of the market. Unfortunately, most utilities are stuck playing catch‑up. They are clearly focused on the immediate issues of upgrading aging infrastructure, adopting interactive communication technologies, and attending to other asset-based activities intended to enable smart grid opportunities. Focusing solely on system upgrades when the market is clearly exploding with real potential will leave a utility clutching to the crumbs left over by more progressive market participants. In their resolute pursuit of technological improvements, utilities are missing out on a huge part of capitalizing on market opportunities: their people. Utilities must develop a more adept and agile workforce—one that not only maintains their company’s traditional piece of the pie, but also sets the table for a whole new menu of opportunities available in the transforming market. This is not going to be easy. Recent market trends indicate utilities face real workforce challenges:

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