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The Oil Crunch: A wake-up call for the UK economy

The Oil Crunch: A wake-up call for the UK economy

Full Title:  The Oil Crunch: A wake-up call for the UK economy
Author(s): W. Whitehorn (Chair), S. Roberts (Editor), et al.
Publisher(s): Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil & Energy Security
Publication Date: February 1, 2010
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This is the second report issued by ITPOES (the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security). The interpretation of the current position, and the viewpoints expressed in the final recommendations, are those of the ITPOES membership – a group of private British companies whose interests span a wide range of business sectors. The work therefore represents an independent, business- minded, view of the national position.

Like its predecessor, published in the autumn of 2008, this report addresses the question of future oil supply and its potential consequences for the UK. It does not address the questions of climate change and carbon reduction directly – there are many other texts which do that – but there are massive areas of overlap between the distinct issues of resource depletion and atmospheric pollution. In some parts of our report that overlap is recognised but the main thrust of the report focuses on the questions of oil price and availability over the coming decade. In particular, it seeks to highlight issues which are likely to confront the new government following the General Election in 2010. It follows the style of the first ITPOES report, titled “The Oil Crunch, Securing the UK’s energy future” in that two expert opinions have been commissioned and used as the basis for an analysis by the ITPOES membership.

All statements and/or propositions in discussion prompts are meant exclusively to stimulate discussion and do not represent the views of, its Partners, Topic Directors or Experts, nor of any individual or organization. Comments by and opinions of Expert participants are their own.

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