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The Russia Factor in Transatlantic Relations and New Opportunities for U.S.-EU-Russia Cooperation

The Russia Factor in Transatlantic Relations and New Opportunities for U.S.-EU-Russia Cooperation

Full Title:  The Russia Factor in Transatlantic Relations and New Opportunities for U.S.-EU-Russia Cooperation
Author(s):  Manfred Huterer
Publisher(s):  The Brookings Institution
Publication Date: May 1, 2010
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Description (excerpt):

This paper attempts to explore the opportunities for increased cooperation between the United States, the European Union and Russia in the Euro-Atlantic area. It focuses on priority topics, where interaction between the United States, the European Union and Russia is critical: European security including arms control; the joint EU-Russia neighborhood, including Central Asia; and energy security. True, the quality of the relationship between the United States and the EU with Russia will also be determined by many other issues outside the Euro-Atlantic area such as cooperation on Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East, North Korea, global governance and climate change.4 But if disagreement and conflict between Russia and the West in the Euro-Atlantic area prevails it would reduce confidence and trust necessary for the solu- tions of other problems.

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