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Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus: Hydrocarbons Can Fuel Growth and Prosperity

Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus: Hydrocarbons Can Fuel Growth and Prosperity

Full Title:  Unleashing the North American Energy Colossus: Hydrocarbons Can Fuel Growth and Prosperity
Author(s):  Mark P. Mills
Publisher(s):  Manhattan Institute
Publication Date: July 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The United States, Canada, and Mexico are awash in hydrocarbon resources: oil, natural gas, and coal. The total North American hydrocarbon resource base is more than four times greater than all the resources extant in the Middle East. And the United States alone is now the fastest-growing producer of oil and natural gas in the world. The underlying paradigms embedded in American energy policy and regulatory structures are anchored in the idea of shortages and import dependence. A complete reversal in thinking is needed to orient North America around hydrocarbon abundance—and exports.

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