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Utilization of Used Nuclear Fuel in a Potential Future US Fuel Cycle Scenario

Utilization of Used Nuclear Fuel in a Potential Future US Fuel Cycle Scenario

Full Title:  Utilization of Used Nuclear Fuel in a Potential Future US Fuel Cycle Scenario
Author(s):  Andrew Worrall
Publisher(s):  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Publication Date: February 1, 2013
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Description (excerpt):

The results of this assessment highlight how the UNF from future reactors (LWRs and FRs) and the resulting fissile materials (U and Pu) from reprocessing can be effectively utilized, and show that the timings of future nuclear programs are key considerations (both for reactors and fuel cycle facilities). The analysis also highlights how the timings are relevant to managing the UNF and how such an analysis can therefore assist in informing the potential future R&D strategy and needs of the US fuel cycle programs and reactor technology.

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