A significant amount of U.S. electricity is consumed by our water supply. For example: 7-8% of California’s energy use is for large water systems. If California’s consumer end usage is included, it reaches 19% of electricity load and 39% of natural gas! National data on energy consumption for water supply is not readily available!
Our water supply systems are very inefficient. Significant percentage of the water is leaking from the pipes before they reach the home user. There are many inexpensive technologies to fix the water grid and to increase its efficiency, especially in large urban areas. This is probably one of the most obvious areas for electricity savings. We don’t have to fix all of our water systems, but with smarter water grid and small investment in critical areas, we can achieve quick results.
The federal government should set a reachable timeline for reducing water leakage. This will save electricity and will save water which is fast becoming a problematic resource in many parts of the country. It will require cooperation with state governments as water is mostly a local issue.
Our use of water and water related energy, especially heating, is not very efficient. We can improve our usage by implementing better technologies and new building codes. Examples include solar water heating and geothermal heat pumps. The technologies exist. We just need to make them more affordable and enforce some of them by state regulation in new housing.