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A Review of Shale Gas Regulations by State

A Review of Shale Gas Regulations by State

Full Title:  A Review of Shale Gas Regulations by State
Author(s):  Resources for the Future
Publisher(s):  Resources for the Future
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Experts in RFF’s Center for Energy Economics and Policy analyzed regulations and surveyed regulators in the 31 states that have significant shale gas reserves or where industry shows interest in shale gas development. The maps in this project show the results of these efforts for approximately 20 important regulatory elements in each state in the continental United States. The purpose of these maps is to provide an overview of the regulatory patterns, similarities, and differences among states—not to authoritatively compile any given state’s regulations or fully analyze any specific regulation. The research team also examined the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) best practices and included them in the maps where applicable because they may serve as guidelines for policymakers and industry operators.

To create the maps, RFF staff and outside experts reviewed state statutes, regulations, and documents, along with independent reports. When possible, state regulators reviewed the findings. The maps show regulations in force as of June 18, 2012, except for New York, which is treated as if the proposed rules in its 2011 Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement were currently in place. As relevant regulations are passed, the maps will be updated accordingly. Note that some states regulate parts of the extraction process through case-by-case permitting or other means, which is not included in this study. The regulations included here are not necessarily specific to shale gas, but are applicable to shale gas.

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