The ways that Americans produce, distribute, use, and think about energy are more important to our nation’s future than ever before. But despite rapidly evolving financial, national security, and environmental realities – and significant advances in science and technology – our nation’s energy policies are not evolving adequately to meet the challenges of our changing world.
The mission of OurEnergyPolicy is to facilitate substantive, responsible dialogue on energy policy issues and provide this dialogue as a resource for the American people, policymakers, and the media. By bringing together energy experts in productive national discourse, OurEnergyPolicy enhances the potential of identifying, adopting, and implementing effective energy policy. OurEnergyPolicy also serves as a one-stop resource hub for all things energy policy, and includes event recordings, Expert Insights, the free OurEnergyLibrary, a national Energy Events Calendar, and more.
OurEnergyPolicy does not have or endorse any specific political, programmatic, policy, or technological agendas, but rather seeks to encourage a broad discussion of all points of view. OurEnergyPolicy empowers energy Experts representing every viewpoint from every sector – industry, academia, government, law, finance, non-profit organizations, think tanks, and more – to participate in and drive public dialogue that will sharpen distinctions, identify points of consensus, and stimulate innovative solutions in our energy policy.
How It Works, What We Offer & Our Impact
Our Energy Policy Highlights
- OEP engages directly with congressional offices for their input on legislation and policy issues impacting the energy community.
- OEP has more than 2,000 participant experts from numerous disciplines within the energy sector.
- OEP is a go-to site for policymakers, journalists, students and all researchers interested in seeing differing perspectives represented substantively.
- With more than 8,500 white papers, reports, studies, and more, OEP’s resource library is a focused resource tool for research on energy issues.