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Achieving sustainable development: the energy investment challenge

Achieving sustainable development: the energy investment challenge

Full Title: Achieving sustainable development: the energy investment challenge
Author(s): N/A
Publisher(s): United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Publication Date: January 1, 2014
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):


A policy brief published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) points to the emerging consensus that sustainable development requires a radical transformation of the world’s energy system, including the way energy is produced and used, and that such a transformation requires strong leadership, carefully-designed policies, behavior changes, and large investments, both in developed and developing countries.

The brief, titled ‘Achieving Sustainable Development: the Energy Investment Challenge,’ describes how the GEA examines 60 scenarios, through a combination of policies addressing energy, transportation and technology, and considers: three demand and supply energy paths; two transport modes (continued reliance on traditional or adopting advanced technologies and fuels; and ten technology portfolios defined by technology access). The brief explains that a sustainable path must: provide universal access to modern energy; ensure good air quality to the majority of the world’s population; contain average global temperature rise to below 2ºC; limit energy trade and enhance energy supply diversity and resilience; and prioritize policies that promote energy efficiency.


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