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China’s Conception of Energy Security: Sources and International Impacts

China’s Conception of Energy Security: Sources and International Impacts

Full Title:  China’s Conception of Energy Security: Sources and International Impacts
Author(s):  Christian Constantin
Publisher(s):  University of British Columbia
Publication Date: March 1, 2005
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Description (excerpt):

“In this paper, I will argue that, in parallel with a debate about China’s path toward economic development, the Chinese leadership is redefining its understanding of what constitutes the country’s energy security. I will then assess the international impacts of such a redefinition as well as the international aspects of a “business-as-usual” scenario in which China would pursue its traditional model of energy security. A better understanding of this central issue is crucial because the two different patterns of energy security will lead to different sets of challenges and opportunities for Western governments and enterprises, but we might not be able to differentiate them if we keep a traditional view of what is China’s energy security.”

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