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Growing Oregon’s Biogas Industry: A Review of Oregon’s Biogas Potential and Benefits

Growing Oregon’s Biogas Industry: A Review of Oregon’s Biogas Potential and Benefits

Full Title:  Growing Oregon’s Biogas Industry: A Review of Oregon’s Biogas Potential and Benefits
Author(s): Peter Weisberg and Tad Roth
Publisher(s): Peter Weisberg and Tad Roth
Publication Date: February 1, 2011
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Biogas, a renewable substitute for natural gas, is generated by breaking down organic waste in an anaerobic digester. Oregon’s dairies, wastewater treatment plants, municipal solid waste collectors and food processors have the feedstock and infrastructure to generate over 100 megawatts (MW) of biogas energy, but currently have only 8 MW installed. Dairy farms have the greatest potential to generate biogas energy, and wastewater treatments plants currently generate the most.

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